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Broker Portal FAQs
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Motorcycle FAQ

Currently, this product is available online to quote, bind and issue for all British Columbia risks. If you are a broker in another province, but the risk/client is in BC you can bind on this product. Very soon, this product will be expanded to other provinces , stay tuned!

Our Motorcycle product is eligible for risks purchased by an individual or corporation! If in a company name, you can add in the field when selecting ‘company’ as the named insured.

No, these are marked optional as they are not required to quote. We may need more information upon binding or provide the most accurate coverage and rates with more details about the client and the risk.

On the second page you will have the ability to add another named insured to be listed on the policy.

If after you’ve entered the postal code into the search field the incorrect address appears you can click “EDIT” on the mailing address to override manually. This is only recommended if you are 100% of the correct address as this is verified through Canada Post.

This will automatically provide a multi-policy discount to your client to show our appreciation if your client has another in force policy with Agile.

Yes! If the motorcycle and all gear are located at the BC location, you can quote and bind if the policy has a mailing address outside of BC.

Yes! Your client is covered if they travel outside of BC for their motorcycle coverage.

Yes! Please refer to our travel protection coverage.

We offer a discount if they are a member of a motorcycle club. The Portal allows you to capture the details of the club to which they belong, and a discount will automatically be applied.

No, they must have completed a certified driver training course. The courses are offered by private companies and the cost will vary depending upon the course. A Drivers exam including a road test are not sufficient to qualify for this discount.

You can add lienholders and lessors under “loss payee” on the application details under Additional Interests.”

You are eligible to quote and bind motorcycles up to a value of $50,000! Anything over this amount would send a referral to our underwriting team.

We write most types of motorcycles but there are some rules that are built into our portal. Those risk would either be declined (dirt bikes) or referred to an UW to review prior to binding.